integral web studio

Our services

Website development and design

Website development and design

The website is the "face" of your business, company, or individual, through which you provide information about your products or services to your customers. Therefore, the site should be tailored to the nature of your business. It should introduce your business in a simple and accurate manner in order to maximize engagement with interested customers. At the same time, the website should be easy to manage and maintain.

 "If your business is not on the Internet, then you do not have a business."

Bill Gates

Mobile device compatible
Mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, are evolving and becoming more accessible by the day. Most people in the world, as well as in Georgia, use phones for daily activities, such as shopping, paying bills, or studying. Whichever field your business belongs to, its website must be mobile and tablet friendly. Our team offers compatibility with all types of mobile devices and operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.) without sacrificing the site's functionality or aesthetics.